Accounting years


The accounting year describes the period during which purchase and sale transactions are permitted.

To review existing accounting years, navigate to Settings > Accounting Years. Once there, you’ll see a list view of all accounting years.

Accounting Years

Adding accounting year

To add a accounting year, follow these steps:

  1. Open the accounting years list
  2. Click New
  3. Fill the following fields:
    • start date - accounting year start date
    • end date - accounting year end date
    • active year - is accounting year active
  4. Click Save

Accounting Years

Only one accounting year can be active

Editing accounting year

To edit the accounting year, follow these steps:

  1. Open the accounting years list and click on accounting year
  2. Change the accounting year values
  3. Click Save

Deleting accounting year

To delete the accounting year, follow these steps:

  1. Open the accounting years list and click on accounting year
  2. Click Delete
  3. Click Confirm on the confirmation dialog